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Винтовые компрессоры Evoluto 45-75

Развитие энергоэффективности

Discover our new oil-cooled Evoluto range

Evolved on three levels...

A big leap in energy efficiency

Why energy efficiency?

Energy costs represent about 70% of the total operating cost of your compressor over a 5-year period. Therefore reducing the energy consumption of your compressed air installation should be a major focus to ensure the lowest cost of ownership.

Why variable speed compressors?

As a majority of customers have a variable demand for compressed air, variable speed compressors are proven to be superior to fixed speed compressors when it comes to reducing the energy costs. By matching the air supply to the air demand, unload losses are avoided, and energy costs reduced on average by 30%.

Why invest in Evoluto?

In the Evoluto range we have combined our Imperium variable speed technology with our new and highly efficient drivetrain with iPM motor technology and evolved the energy efficiency of variable speed compressors to a new level, resulting in energy savings of up to 45%.

Evoluto Drivetrain technology Banner

The Evoluto Drivetrain

Innovating where it matters most, at the heart of our compressors

