How to restart your compressed air system after an extended shutdown?

24. kesäkuuta 2020

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies were forced to reduce or stop production. When restarting your machines after an extended period of time, it is important to take the correct measures, in order to avoid costly breakdowns and reduce the risk of equipment failure. 

As this is an unusual situation, we are helping many of our clients to restart their business safely, guarantee the reliability of our equipment and prevent technical problems in the future. 


Restarting your compressor by yourself? Here’s how to do it correctly!

Before restarting your compressed air system, conduct a visual inspection of the unit.

Check if the compressor turns freely

Mechanic with helmet changing parts compressor
First, make sure to turn off the power supply to your compressor. Remove the drive shaft protection guard and turn the drive coupling to check if the compressor is free to turn. If it turns freely, you can refit the guard. Next, you can turn on the power supply to your compressor. If the compressor is watercooled, then also turn on the cooling water and air blast cooling system.

Equalize the air pressure

Equalize the air pressure between the compressor and the airnet by slowly opening the unit’s air outlet valve. Next, you can start the compressor. Make sure the compressors are integrated onto the controller/optimizer, if your machine is connected to a sequence controller.

Restarting adsorption dryers and gas generators

First, conduct a visual inspection of the unit. 

Pressurize the system

Make sure to never start up your adsorption dryer or gas generator against an empty air net. First, you need to close the outlet valve, start the compressor or dryer and pressurize the system. Next, open the outlet valve slowly to pressurize the air net, in order to avoid high air speeds will damage the adsorption material. 

Restarting VSD dryers

Verify that no condensation has formed in the drive section before restoring the power supply. After power up, do not load the drive within the first hour.

If the VSD dryer has been powered down for more than one year, additional measures have to be taken. 


We are here to help you!


Many things can go wrong while restarting your compressed air system. If you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us! We are ready to help to get up and running again in the most safe and efficient manner by complying with local regulation!

Your compressor needs minor or major services but you want to delay it?

Delaying the service on your compressor can lead to a castrophic failure in the future, leading to higher cost for repairs. Our priority is to make sure that your equipment is running in a healty condition, keeping your operational cost low, while coping with the production demand without any interruption.

We are fully aware that during these exceptional times, financial liquidity might be a concern for some of our clients. That’s why we have set up various financial solutions to help you out. Please contact your nearest authorized service provider to discuss the possible solutions. 

Your production demand has increased but you can’t invest in a new compressor?

Our ‘pay as you use’-solution offers compressed air as per your new demand on a monthly subscription basis, from small to mid/long term requirement. With all services covered, you can focus on your core business.

Together we keep your compressed air system healthy for your sustainable productivity!