Since July 2017 the Royal Burgers’ Zoo in Arnhem, the Netherlands, has the largest indoor Mangrove in the world. In this Mangrove several animals live in and around the water. To keep the water in optimal quality, compressed air plays a key role. ALUP ensures that the 100% oil-free compressed air is always available. Not only did ALUP Kompressors deliver two oil-free compressors, but they will also carry out maintenance so that they are always in perfect condition.
The freshwater bassin in the Mangrove where among others the manatees live
The construction of the Mangrove was a major project involving, among others, Purchaser, John Theunissen and Engineering Manager Frank Simon. John Theunissen was hired specifically for the Mangrove project and assisted the installation company with the choices of machines. John states: "I searched for the best solution for the right price." The 20 employees of the Technical Service of Burgers' Zoo are supervised by Frank Simon for the last 8 years. He ensures that they can do their work as efficiently as possible and wants to bring the technical state of the park to a higher level. Frank says enthusiastically: "There is enough technology here, it is not just a gate and a road. We do have high-tech technology in house, even for a techie like me, there is plenty to do. " If you think about applications of compressed air, a zoo is not the first one in mind, but there are many applications at Burgers Zoo. "Compressed air is used for all sorts of things here," John Theunissen indicates. Frank Simon adds: "The compressed air in the Mangrove is used to ensure that the animals get oxygen in the water. Air is brought into the basin to aerate. Just like in an aquarium at home." In addition, compressed air is used to keep the tanks clean by filtering the water. "We have a freshwater and saltwater basin, and in both systems a protein skimmer has been installed in the filtering process. This extracts the proteins from the water, which originate from the feces of the animals that live in the water. This is a simple but effective process. By blowing compressed air into the protein skimmer you get bubbles and the proteins stick to the membrane of those bubbles. Those bubbles rise and are then filtered with a proteinfilter and go to the sewer, "says Frank Simon.
We chose ALUP because of proven quality and service.
Various compressed air requirements were imposed by Burgers' Zoo. John Theunissen says: "The most important requirement was that it should be 100% oil-free. Because oil in the water can be fatal for all the animals. " ALUP Kompressors has been chosen as the supplier because of their experience. They deliver quality products and that is of course the most important, "says John Theunissen. "We chose ALUP because we had good experiences with the compressor we already have and with the corresponding service. And the price that worked out well for us ", Frank Simon continues.
A redundant compressed air system has been chosen, consisting of two oil-free SpiralAir scroll compressors with a working pressure of 10 bar, a boiler of 2000 liters, a condensate drain, various filters and an automatic preselection switch. Frank Simon states: "Our choice for redundancy has everything to do with flexibility. Because we never want to be without compressed air, we have made the choice for two compressors. The protein skimmer that keeps the water clean is essential for the health of the animals and should never fail. And because of backup, you have reliability and then you are more flexible.” “The type of SpiralAir compressor was chosen because it is 100% oil-free machines, "says John Theunissen. This fulfilled the requirement of oil-free compressed air. In addition, a 2,000 liter vessel has been installed. John Theunissen explains: "We can do without air for a while, but not for long. That is also the reason why this size of vessel has been chosen. " A separate preselection switch ensures that the two compressors rotate in turn. Frank Simon explains: "Here we have chosen to aim for the same operating hours." John Theunissen adds: "We have opted for the principle of a cascade arrangement. It gives you a much longer service interval and that means savings in your service costs and a longer lifespan."
Frank Simon says that the maintenance is not carried out by them. "Of course, we do a daily check. But for the periodic maintenance a contract has been concluded with ALUP Kompressors. We want to outsource that kind of maintenance to a specialist in this area."
Burgers' Zoo is an animal park with an area of no less than 45 hectares. Burgers' Zoo has a colorful history that shaped the animal park, as it is today in the wooded area north of Arnhem, the Netherlands. On March 30th 1913, Pheasantry ‘Buitenlust’, precursor of the zoo, opened its doors to the public for the first time. Since the establishment by Johan Burgers, the first owner and namesake of the Arnhem zoo, the park has always remained a real family business. Since the early years, the zoo has been admired for its daring innovations, naturally designed animal enclosures and the unique visitor perspective. In 1988 the Bush was opened: a one and a half hectares indoor tropical rainforest. In addition, there is an indoor Mexican-American rock desert, indoor coral reef in the Indo-Pacific Ocean and savannah plains including giraffes and rhinoceros and Malay rainforest. The newest ecosystem, the largest indoor Mangrove in the world, was opened in July 2017. Animals in the Mangrove include butterflies, manatees and various crabs. The Mangrove is based on the nature reserve in Belize that has been ran by Burgers' Zoo for about 30 years.