Did you know that cold weather can be of influence on the condition of your compressed air installation and compressed air? Ambient temperature has a large influence on both. Be sure to prevent specific problems with low temperatures. Read what can happen.
The new LARGO & ALLEGRO 132-315 product range has been developed for harsh conditions and ambient temperatures up to 46°C. This range is suitable for industrial applications such as General manufacturing; Metal; Cement; Mining, Power plant, Shipyard, Glass, Tyre and much more!
AIRnet provides a complete compressed air solution from start to finish. The Point Of Use accessories are specifically introduced to ensure the highest efficiency of your distribution network; to protect your downstream equipment; to complement the performance of your compressed air equipment.
The adsorption drying principle is based on the ability of the desiccant material to adsorb water vapor from the compressed air. Filters before the dryer protect it, while filters after the dryer eliminate desiccant dust.
AIRnet Stainless Steel ensures 100% compliance with the highest quality standards. The new fittings are characterized by stainless steel and the assembly is done using press fit system.
Since July 2017 the Royal Burgers’ Zoo in Arnhem, the Netherlands, has the largest indoor Mangrove in the world. In this Mangrove several animals live in and around the water. To keep the water in optimal quality, compressed air plays a key role. ALUP ensures that the 100% oil-free compressed air is always available. Not only did ALUP Kompressors deliver two oil-free compressors, but they will also carry out maintenance so that they are always in perfect condition.
When air is compressed, heat is formed in the compressor. Instead of being wasted, the excess heat can be captured with an energy recovery option and channeled to other applications like your office heating allowing you to save energy and cut costs.
The Largo–Allegro 11-22 E range provides high quality compressed air for a wide range of industrial applications. As a result of continuous investment in product development, the range ensures industry leading performances in air delivery and energy efficiency, guaranteeing our customers unrivalled energy savings for their operations.
Knowing the performance of your compressed air installation at each given moment allows you to make smart use of your resources and plan maintenance interventions proactively and at just the right time. All this is possible with ICONS – Intelligent Connectivity System. The introduction of the new ICONS 3G offers improved features and many advantages. You can learn all about it here.
Poorly closing couplings, old hoses, or worn and leaking seals are all areas where compressed air can be escaping your compressed air systems. Even a minimal leakage however can be responsible for excessive costs. A leak of only 3mm at a pressure of 7 bar can cost you up to €1300 (£1150 / $1500) per year. And with higher pressure, the loss of compressed air is even higher.
A variable speed of variable frequency compressor matched air supply with demand. Therefore, the variable speed technology reduces energy consumption compared to a fixed speed equivalent.
There are a lot of things to think about when buying a compressor. What size do I need? What type of compressor is best for my application? What operating pressure is best for my needs? Find out more here!
This blog will look at how screw compressors, also known as screw air compressors, work.
In order to understand if it is suitable for your application, we shall elaborate on the workings of piston compressors at their basic level.